Journeying in God's story...

The Roy Family

Trusting God’s Plan: The Roy Family’s Adoption Journey

Even before they were married, the Roys felt a calling to adoption. They knew that one day, God would grow their family in this way—they just didn’t know how quickly He would move.

In October 2023, they welcomed their daughter through adoption, a moment of overwhelming joy and answered prayer. Then, just over a year later, they were surprised to receive another call—an expectant mother had chosen them to adopt her baby boy. The match happened far sooner than expected, but the Roys knew God was leading the way.

Now, in another incredible display of God’s faithfulness, their son is home.

“Our children will be just 15 months apart,” they share. “We pray they’ll grow up as best friends, learning side by side what it means to be loved—not only by their family but by their Heavenly Father.”

A Calling Rooted in Faith

For the Roys, adoption is much more than a way to build a family. It’s a reflection of the gospel itself.

“Our faith is the primary reason we’ve chosen adoption,” they explain. “God’s greatest act of love was to make His enemies His children through adoption. That truth gives us confidence and inspiration to step forward in faith.”

Their home is built on that foundation—a place where laughter is abundant, boundaries are clear, and grace is given freely. They are committed to raising their children with a deep knowledge of Christ’s love, through time in Scripture, prayer, church, and community. Their greatest desire is for their children to know and follow Jesus.

An Opportunity to Support Their Journey

While their hearts were ready, the unexpected timing of their son’s adoption has created a significant financial need. Adoption expenses will continue over the next six months as they finalize the process.

They are trusting God to provide—and we have the opportunity to be part of that provision.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting the Roy family? Your generosity will help relieve the financial burden of this adoption, allowing them to focus fully on welcoming their son and continuing to live out the love of Christ in their home.

Click below to give and be part of this beautiful story of faith, love and family.

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