Journeying in God's story...

The Greenleaf Family

Hi, my name is Marilyn and my husband Will and I are fundraising to adopt my nieces and nephew.

One of my brothers in Belize passed away on New Year’s Eve, leaving behind three children: two girls ages 9 and 7, and a little boy age 2. His passing left a huge gap in their hearts, and also further exacerbated their already tenuous financial situation. The children’s mother is not working and struggles to provide the most basic needs for the home and family – in fact, the only reason she is getting by right now is due to the support that we and other family members are providing each month.

Before my brother passed away, he and their mother asked to adopt the children. The younger girl has physical/mental issues which inhibit hearing and learning. The older girl is far behind in her schooling and they all have had medical issues. With Ronald’s passing and the mother’s blessing, we are moving forward in faith to add the children to our home to ensure they have a stable upbringing, medical cared, and a future full of opportunities for them.

If you are not currently in a position to help financially. Your prayers and good thoughts for this endeavor are greatly appreciated. It would also be a big help if you could share this request with your friends and family. Thanks for being a blessing and thanks for your generous giving hearts.

Join us in helping families welcome children home